National Honor Society

Lindsay Lane Christian Academy maintains an active chapter of the National Honor Society, named the Dwight L. Moody Chapter of the NHS.  Membership in the National Honor Society is one of the highest honors available to the high school student.  Membership is extended  to students in grades 10-12 with the highest academic achievement based on grades and standardized test scores--but also considered as qualifications are character, deportment and potential leadership ability.  The goals of National Honor Society at Lindsay Lane Christian Academy are to:

  • recognize truly outstanding academic achievement

  • develop and demonstrate leadership ability

  • provide varied enrichment opportunities for students

  • provide service to the school and community

Student Leadership University

LLCA is proud to partner with Student Leadership University to offer our students a dynamic experience to learn from world-class thought leaders in creative and participatory environments inside and outside of the conference room. SLU teaches each student practical and relational life skills to change the way they think, dream and lead at the feet of Jesus.


Three groups travel each summer: 

 Students who are interested should attend the information meeting held each August.