Continuing the Vision
We are excited to share with our school family some updates on our “Continuing the Vision Campaign.” The vision of Lindsay Lane Christian Academy is to raise future generations of leaders with Godly character, based on biblical truth and academic excellence, to influence the world for the glory of God.
With that in mind, LLCA was started as a Kingdom Education School. Since God gives the principles to parents, our school exists to partner with parents in the formal education of their children. The most important thing students are doing now is forming their worldview, because it is how they will interpret everything for the rest of their lives. Helping students develop a worldview that is consistent with God’s written Word has never been more vital to the health of our country.
In 2009, the vision of providing a Christian education for this community was realized with 39 students. Today, we have 674 students, and 71 faculty and staff members. We are at capacity in many classrooms, with no space to expand with additional sections of classes. Our current gym and cafeteria are no longer large enough to meet the demand of our West Campus.
Our current facilities have served us well for years. In order to meet our current needs and to be prepared for the future, we have to expand our facilities. This new building will be located at 705 West Sanderfer Road in Athens. This is the current location of our middle school and high school. The new building will offer the following:
*10 new classrooms * Offices
*Science Lab * Gym (two side-by-side courts)
*Weight Room * Cafeteria
*Tutoring Spaces * Storm Shelter
*Stem Lab * Space for 5 future classrooms upstairs.
This additional building will allow us to meet the needs of our current students, plus new families, and allow for additional course offerings as well. The price for our new building project is $6.1 million. We have worked with several banks to secure the very best interest rate. Our bank is asking LLCA to put down $1 million to start the building project. God has blessed, and we are prepared to pay the down payment up front with the remaining balance to be financed by the bank. Please consider partnering with LLCA, as we Continue the Vision. By making a financial gift to our LLCA building fund, you are also making an investment of eternal value.
The expanded facilities will be used to Continue the Vision in a first-class, safe, caring environment for all students. We are introducing a program if you desire to name facilities and properties in honor of your family or friend. Facilities and properties may be named for individuals or for organizations responsible for donating to LLCA.
The mission of Lindsay Lane Christian Academy is to assist families in being good stewards of their children, using resources provided by God, to develop them into disciples of Jesus Christ who worship, grow, and serve Him their entire lives. Angela and I will be giving to this project, because we have benefited by partnering with LLCA to assist us in developing our own children with a biblical worldview. As I watch my oldest daughter and her husband with their newborn son, the words in III John chapter 4 have never been truer: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” As my youngest daughter walks across the stage at graduation in May, my desire to see the next generation walk in truth in a very confused world has not lessened.
Since 2009, thousands of students have heard the gospel, and several have professed Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. Through biblical training and setting the example, the faculty and staff at LLCA continues to Raise Champions for Christ!
Colossians 3 tells us that “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man.” Therefore, providing an excellent education is a biblical mandate. Using proven curriculum, highly-qualified Christian teachers, and a God-honoring approach, LLCA has earned a fantastic reputation for academics.
Over 92 % of all LLCA graduates have matriculated directly into college. We are a college prep school, but not every student’s plans include college. Regardless, our focus is preparing individuals for what God has planned for them. Over the past six years, LLCA seniors have performed very well on the ACT exam for college. Our top 25% averaged 30.2. Only the top 7% of all test-takers in the country score that high. Our top 50% have averaged 27.8, and overall the LLCA average has been 23.9. That is a full 5 points higher than the current state average
National Report Card, conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics every two years, found that 4th grade students dropped 5 points from 2019, with just 36% scoring proficient in math, and only 33% of 4th graders scoring proficient at reading nationally. Our latest ITBS standardized testing results show 93.8% of LLCA 4th grade students are reading on (or above) grade level. (This includes our students in the Dyslexia Program.) The same standardized testing demonstrates that 91.7% our 4th graders are on (or above) grade level in math.
Extra-curricular activities and athletics are a big part of the school experience. Growth in enrollment has moved LLCA to 2A this year, with more opportunities than ever before with 38 AHSAA teams. K-6th grade students have over 30 sports teams available, to begin to develop interest and abilities. We are using team sports to develop biblical traits that will serve athletes well throughout life. Today, several LLCA students have used a sport as a tool to pay for college. Currently, our graduates have earned scholarships to compete in sports for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Cross-country, Softball and Baseball.
Please consider investing in our students at LLCA, today and in the future.
With sincere thanks,
Steve Murr, M.Ed., Head of School
Are donations to LLCA tax deductible?
Yes, they are, and we will provide you with a statement for your taxes.
What grades will be using the new building?
Classrooms will be primarily used by students in grades 7-12 when it opens. The gym will be used by all grades.
Will our Main and East Campuses be moving when this new building is completed?
The vision of our school over the past 10 years has been to offer K-12 on one campus. The completion of this new building will allow us to take another step toward that goal by moving 2nd - 4th grades to the Sanderfer Rd. Campus in August 2024. There are no plans to make changes at our East Campus, and Pre-K through 1st grade will remain there. If God continues to bless the way He has, we will fill these rooms with new students as we expand sections for all grades. The long-term goal is to have one location that offers K-12, in addition to a smaller elementary campus.
Is there an opportunity to make a donation in honor or memory of a special person?
Yes, there is. We are praying that many of our school families and community leaders will honor special people through giving to our “Continuing the Vision Campaign.”